Who/what is God?
The holy spirit made human so we can grasp some concept of power and divinity.
What does strength mean to you?
I am not strong so I can’t answer you.
If you were given only one more wish in your life, what would it be?
To love and be loved.
Are you living your soul purpose on this earth?
Yes, within limitations. My purpose is to do and not just “be”
What advice would you give to a broken hearted 20-year-old?
It is part of the journey so embrace it.
Describe the first thing you do when you wake up each morning?
I take communion and say a prayer.
Did you do anything different in your 40th year?
I got married to a great friend for the convenience of both sets of children and then I learnt to love him.
When someone asks you your age, what do you say and how do you feel?
I am 90, but I feel the age of the person I am talking to.
Describe your life in one word?
Who are you and how do you define yourself?
I was a photographer and now I want to make a movie.
What happens when you die?
The completion of one life.