A supernatural person who plays an important part in one’s life. It is a private relationship.
Not sure. Reincarnation fascinates me – I have just finished reading a book on it, where one of the stories involved someone who has had 12 lives. My logical mind says it makes sense, but it does fly in the face of traditional religion. I am a questioning man – and I still ask why all the major wars are over religion.
I would summons the family and I would want to talk to my two boys about how to look after their mother after I am gone and I would ask them to take out, through my death, the lesson on how to find a balance in their lives.
A truly positive thinker.
Successful, a control freak, a paradigm thinker, calculating and passionate.
Following a dream and making it happen, no matter what that dream may be.
At work, I would use that opportunity to walk around and talk to my employees, and at home, I would watch TV.
Racism – regarding both colour and religion.
What determines time on earth?
Three weeks ago – I put out spectacle insurance (with Spec-Savers).
It’s a consequence of success.
That my father is not around to see what I am doing. He thought I was the dunce in the family. That, and the fact that I don’t have a hobby to provide balance in my life.
Yes, Colin Hall introduced me to Stephen Covey. I am continually inspired by his doctrine.
I continually strive to change the paradigm.
Don’t stop when people say you are mad, and when bankers say it won’t work. Believe in yourself.
There isn’t enough time to do what I still want to do in life.
Play music.
My weight.
30 Years of marriage – support, friendship, and success.
I wish Madiba was 25 years younger and leading this country.
Maybe my compassion for others.
Do I feel complete? If that’s the question, then yes.
As someone who has always challenged the status quo. As being trustworthy, and considered a friend.
In some way we are still entrenched but, if you find the time to talk to government politicians, and understand their thinking, you will realize that this is a wonderful place to be. Africa is just beginning to take off. There is a paradigm change about to happen.
We have entered into an era of social capitalism, which means that balance sheets and worldly goods will no longer be the accepted measurement of success. It is now far more about social and environmental commitment.
Yes. Life is what you make of it. It is far easier and more rewarding to take the positive out of a bad experience and turn it into a success than to constantly focus on the negative. Difficulties and overcoming them can often be an advantage.
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