A very misunderstood entity. Human beings take their own meaning of god and use or abuse the concept of god for their own means. God is in all of us, and a leaning post for many.
It goes dark, I think? Prove me wrong! I don’t really believe in the concept of heaven and hell – those are man-made ideas but there must be an afterlife. We are part of this massive universe and existence. Whatever your beliefs are, if you have lived a good morally correct life, say a B+ for effort, and you are trying your best, then how can you go to Hell? If God is all forgiving, how can he expect you to burn in hell?
I would spend it with my wife, and my 6 children, at home, having a braai, just chilling. I would not be frightened.
What I am supposed to be doing – being Barry Hilton – I have been blessed with the honour and ability to make people laugh.
I used to think it was the amount of loot you made, but I now quote the Beatles “The love you take, is equal to the love you make”- that’s success.
Tax, and less for the poor. That’s all.
Emotionally sad about the way the world is.
Funny, friendly, sharing and caring.
Fat, funny, Attention Deficit, next question?
I would fish.
Rejection, but I keep moving through it.
The ability to spell.
My first name. And no, I won't tell you!!
True love, and my wife, Sandy, gave that to me.
Why do you allow pain and suffering?
As “My cousin”
Human understanding.
When Sandy gave birth to our first child together, he came out screaming. The minute he was put down on Sandy’s naked chest, he latched onto her breast, and immediately found his place in this world. My deep regret is that I missed that and other moments like that, with my other five children.
The extended Hilton family. And their welfare.
If you don’t completely envy the talent of the top guys, and you are not prepared to sacrifice all to reach that level, don’t even bother.
Shit happens. Think about the 18-year old, who has just had his physical heart ripped out of his body.
Absolutely. This is what I was meant to be doing and being.
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