Ayanda Bambiso

Ayanda Bambiso

What/Who is God?

The highest power known to us through his readings, church, actions and miracles. He is deeply mysterious, a good conversationalist, a reachable yet unreachable spirit.

What happens when you die?

My soul and spirit lift up from my body, towards God, which is facilitated by my relationship with God. And I will see my beloved sister who passed on in 2006.

And are you afraid of death?

Sometimes it dawns on me that I will die, but I get solace from the fact that God might spare me pain. I will enter into heaven looking stylish, but sadly, I will have to leave my shoes and bags behind!

What would you do with your last 24 hours?

I would surround myself with my family, and my best friends, I would fill it with sumptuous food, lots of noise and hugs. And I would tell my circle how I would like to be remembered.

What is the one great lesson you have received?

My best friend’s Dad said “Good times never end, they only get better, but you have to have your own resources to enjoy them”.

Describe what you do?

I have just finished as the Protocol Co-coordinator for FIFA 2010 LOC, where I managed the VIP and VVIP guests. And I am about to begin a new career as the PR/Entertainment/Events Manager for the Boardwalk and I am VERY excited.

Describe your life in one word?


Describe yourself in four words?

Dynamic, confident, determined and confrontational.

How do you think others describe you?

Talkative, confident, determined and confrontational.

What is your greatest personal wish?

To leave a visible mark in society, having contributed to the betterment of others.

Any regrets?

That I have not yet had the opportunity to belly dance with Shakira.

If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

How do you forgive so easily?

Is there a surprising fact about you?

That I am obsessed with my weight and I cry at the drop of a hat.

If you could rid the world of one thing, what would it be?


Name a skill you don’t have but would love?

Belly dancing.

What does money mean to you?

The freedom to make choices.

What does success mean to you?

Being comfy in your own skin, which usually comes if you are living your life purpose.

Where will you be in ten years time?

With a Doctorate in Public Relations and getting ready to write my first PR textbook, OR, owning a shop specifically selling stylish and unique and expensive shoes, bags and belts. That, and moonlighting as a highly paid belly dancer!

What is love?

It can be challenging, but the feeling, when you are in love, is indescribable. You feel like you can conquer the world with this person by your side.

Describe the state of the world today?

Confused, shortsighted but has the ability to improve.

Sandy Coffey ~ Photographic Commissions

+27 (0)83 265 7804 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.