My life has been the most unpredictable one. I would never have believed that I would end up where I am today given my history of oppression and hardship – so I have to believe in a bit of both.
I was cheeky and different. The white farmers used to ban me from their farms (in Oysterbaai, EC) but I never listened to their rules. It got me into trouble but I have always believed that there “must always be a lead singer. I guess that was my role!
Ooh, I would stop everyone from working just for the day and then get up on a platform and say every positive constructive thing I have in me so that we can preserve everything good on earth.
“Life is short”.
It is simply the end.
Disgracing my family, myself, my friends and my people.
I am too conservative (!)
I just married the woman that I love.
I am over that now – nothing – I am what I am.
A tree shaking Jack Russell!
Their gentleness and the ability to bring out the softness in me.
I would plough it into highlighting basic needs – and especially education. My mother could not read or write – she was uneducated.
The revolutionaries who sacrificed themselves for freedom. Fidel Castro, Oliver Tambo, and Steve Biko.
That I have a big loud mouth.
That I have a big loud mouth.!
Most definitely. A few actually.
Once, in 1976 I was lying under a vehicle and a police man was shooting at me with a machine gun but he couldn’t get the gun under the car so he just continued shooting at the bottom of the car and the stones were jumping up at me. That seemed a bit too close.!
Another time, an assassin was after me and they killed my uncle by mistake thinking it was me.
People who haven’t made it through the struggle. They deserved better.
Oh, new challenges come all the time. I would love to be sailing in the Caribbean but there is always something else to do. I have always said that when I have finished doing what I want to do, I will start drinking (alcohol) but that hasn’t happened yet ! (Khusta has never had a drink in his life).
Love, honesty, integrity and humbleness.
Tomorrow is always brighter – don’t let this steal your joy.
I would be a priest.
You can never give up on something that means a lot to you.
I won’t let anything stand in the way of my joy – the stumbling blocks will fall over themselves.
I am first a human being, and then a man.
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